By Jamie Rackenthaler
Healthy Food Makes us Happy
There are many reasons to eat healthy foods. One of the most important reasons is that healthy foods make you happy.
It sounds like a computer program, but scientists have shown that a morning apple actually wakes you up better than a caffeinated drink. Apples also have less calories and lots of good things like fiber, pectin, and vitamins. This means that several hours later you'll not only be more alert, but feel better also.
We all get tired from time to time. The inevitable sugar or caffeine break gives us a temporary feeling of goodness. In analogy, it is like throwing kerosene on a fire. It burns brightly, but quickly burns out. Healthy foods are like the logs burning in the fire. They keep you going for the long haul.
Getting temporary or extreme highs leads you to also get lower lows. This leads to a cycle of using the unhealthy food to feeling just good enough to get away from the lows. It has been said by health experts that caffeine is the most abused drug in our society. It is very addictive and very difficult to quit.
Humans are always comparing everything to a standard. For example, what is your favorite food and why? I might say that my favorite food is Swiss chard because of its high nutrient density and low caloric intake.
On the other hand, on some unconscious level, we are all comparing how good something tastes and nature has programmed our taste buds for sugar and fats. The problem is that we compare healthy foods with foods that are ultra man made packed with both fat and sugar. Unconsciously through nature itself, we crave these higher density fat and sugar foods.
The Solution
The solution is quite simple. Stop eating the man made foods full of sugar and fat. When you do this, your brain stops comparing foods and you will consume less of bad foods.
The big benefit is that healthy foods will taste a lot better to you than they ever have. Your taste buds will be more sensitive and you will love the flavor of natural foods. Through time, you will notice that you become more happy. You will have removed a source of stress to your body. Your body will thank you.
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